Canvas wraps are a modern alternative to the traditional framed photograph and work really well with all types of photography such as wedding, portrait and child photography.

Canvas prints began with the original Chunky Canvas Wrap where your image is printed and bonded onto a true artist’s canvas and stretched around a lightweight frame. The end result is a stunning product that catches the eye and creates a focal piece in any room of the home.

For a 3 dimensional finish our 2 Inch Canvas Wrap is the perfect statement piece for any home that comes available in square or panaramic formats as well. The 2 inch canvas is a sure way to really make your image stand out and is available in a variety of different sizes to suit your needs, as are all of our canvas products.

We also offer our Canvas Wrap Around which is ideal if you prefer a product that will sit flush to the wall. With the wrap around you still get the same quality finish as the other canvas products on offer, only with a neater and less intrusive end result as it sits on a block of 18mm.